Bleckmann takes over the logistics for SuperDry at ‘'THE DUKE” site in Burton on Trent (UK)

03 June 2024

Bleckmann, a global logistics service provider, experts in supply chain management for fashion and lifestyle brands, is set to assume control of the logistics operations for the prestigious Superdry contract at 'The Duke' site in Burton on Trent (UK) from July 1st 2024. This transition will involve approximately 170 employees, who will seamlessly transfer to Bleckmann under the same terms and conditions they are presently working under. Importantly, no redundancies are planned as part of this transition. In fact, Bleckmann expects to attract new customers to this warehouse, creating even more jobs in the region.

Milestone in the UK market

The move of Superdry marks a significant milestone for Bleckmann, further solidifying its position as a leading provider of logistics solutions in the UK market. The company is committed to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for all employees involved, maintaining operational excellence and upholding the high standards set by both Bleckmann and Superdry. “At the European mainland Superdry has been a client since 2007 and we are proud that we also will do their logistics in the United Kingdom” said Reinardt van Oel, Chief Operations Officer Belgium and UK at Bleckmann. Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Superdry, Julian Dunkerton adds “I am delighted that Bleckmann has now become our Global Logistics provider. This is a partnership that goes from strength to strength”.

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Dorota Tankink
Dorota Tankink

Marketing & Communication Manager

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