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Reverse Logistics

As your e-commerce business grows, so do the return volumes. Your reverse logistics processes need to be managed well to optimise your business costs, minimise waste and enhance your customers' experience. We handle your returns fast, efficient and sustainably.

Managing your reverse logistics end-to-end

We take care of the entire returns process, from inbound receipt, through quality control, cleaning and refurbishment, repackaging, to back to stock or sustainable disposal. We design the optimal returns process for you.

Hassle-free returns for you and your customers

Optimise customer experience
Optimise customer experience

Fast, user-friendly and smooth handling of returns

Cost and time saving
Cost and time saving

Efficiently handing returned goods with the option of reselling

Sustainable solution
Sustainable solution

Reselling, re-purposing or recycling returned goods to eliminate waste

Innovative return portal fully aligned with your branding

Innovative return portal fully aligned with your branding

The Bleckmann return portal can be fully branded and customized based on your preferences supporting your brand identity. Besides other functionalities, it has various return options, is intuitive, and is easy to use for your customers.

The portal is easily set up and connected to your systems, carriers, and third parties. It's offering complete visibility and tracking on returned products and their current status. One portal can do it all, as it is available for both Direct-to-Consumer and B2B sales channel returns.

A lineup of white and red semi trucks.

European distribution network

We quickly and efficiently manage returns from all over Europe through our extensive carrier network. Providing access to your preferred returned options in local European markets for maximum convenience and minimum distance to drop-off points for your customers.

Multiple reimbursement options for your customers, for instance, at a PUDO point or at a later stage once the returned goods are available.

Find out more about our distribution network
The Renewal Workshop

The Renewal Workshop

Returned apparel and other textile products from your end-customers or retail stores can undergo extensive renewal process enabling you to restore the products.

That way they can be resold and generate additional revenue for your business.

Learn more about The Renewal Workshop
Recycle, upcycle and downcycle

Recycle, upcycle and downcycle

For any product that can’t be renewed, we manage the upcycling, downcycling or recycling through various third parties. We strive to minimise the waste of returned products, so natural resources are wisely used and fiber products are reused and find another purpose as much as possible. This way, we help support communities and protect the environment.

5 tips how to have fewer returns

5 tips how to have fewer returns

Returns cost you money. Moreover, the environmental impact of the high number of returned products is immense. What is the solution?

Find out in our blog what the five tips are to reduce number of your returns.

Read the five tips to reduce returns
How QR return labels increase customer loyalty and reduce the environmental impact of returns

How QR return labels increase customer loyalty and reduce the environmental impact of returns

With the surge of the e-commerce boom in 2022, the level of returns that our clients experienced went dramatically up. Read how QR return labels help save paper and make your customers’ lives easier.

Read our blog about QR codes
Some brands that already rely on us

Get In Touch

Let's talk about the right-fit logistics solution for your business. Our experts are ready to help you.

For sales inquiries, please specify your industry, estimated space (m²), annual volume (units), and preferred location.

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